Board Positions
Chapter President
This position serves as the Chapter's chief administrative, managerial, and executive officer. The Chapter President provides leadership and assures the smooth operation of Chapter activities. Presidential responsibilities include effective operation of the chapter so that the needs and expectations of the members are met, and that duties as required by the local chapter's bylaws are performed.
This position assists the Chapter President in overseeing all the activities of the chapter. In the absence, disability, or request of the President, the President-Elect performs all the Presidential responsibilities. The year after serving as President-Elect, this member then serves as Chapter President.
Vice President (VP) of Membership
This position serves the chapter by recruiting new members, answering questions about membership, and maintaining accurate membership records. The VP of Membership also keeps member name tags to hand out and re-collect at monthly luncheons, shows hospitality to guests, and guides all membership growth activities.
VP of Professional Development
This position manages the process to provide seminars, workshops, and other professional development opportunities for the chapter membership. This includes researching, communicating with, and scheduling speakers, as well as providing their biographical and program specific data for promotional activities.
VP of Communications
This position promotes, educates, and informs interested parties of the Chapter's goals, programs and activities utilizing up-to-date technology. The VP of Communications serves as coordinator of information by collecting information from other BOD members and then creating and sending out emails about upcoming meetings, events, registration reminders, and other Chapter news.
VP of Finance
This position serves the Chapter by providing monthly financial information to the BOD, as well as tracking the registration/check-in desk at the monthly luncheons. The VP of Finance is responsible for membership billing and invoicing for dues, and manages all the financial affairs of Jayhawk SHRM including all required filings of forms and information with the IRS.
Past President
This position serves as an adviser for the BOD and is responsible for the annual election of Board positions. The Past President acts as an advisor for the current Chapter President and other officers and members of the BOD regarding past practices, general operations, and other matters to assist in the smooth operation of the chapter.
Certification Chair
This position serves to promote, educate, and inform interested parties in certification through the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), and the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI). The Certification Chair strives to increase the number of chapter members who are certified as SHRM-CP, SHRM-SCP, PHR, or SPHR. Responsibilities include establishing certification credit for meetings, and making credit information available to members.
Diversity Chair
This position serves the Chapter by monitoring and evaluating, on a continuing basis, local activities concerning diversity issues and then providing regular updates on those issues to the Chapter. The Diversity Chair spearheads the effort to diversify the chapter's membership/leadership, and recognize successful diversity programs in the local community.
Foundation Activities Chair
This position serves the Chapter by promoting and representing the interest of the SHRM Foundation and its activities to the local chapter including fund raising, education, and championing the Foundation. The Foundation Activities Chair educates, promotes, and represents the interests of the SHRM Foundation and its activities to the chapter membership.
Legislative Affairs Chair
This position serves the Chapter by providing regular information on key legislative issues. The Legislative Affairs Chair monitors and evaluates on a continuing basis pending legislative, regulatory, and legal action at the federal, state, and local level that may have an impact on the management of human resources. Responsibilities include providing a legislative report or update to the BOD to be communicated to the membership.
Social Media & Recognition Chair
This position serves to enhance the visibility of the Chapter and further it’s communication efforts by regularly using Facebook, Linkedin, and other forms of social media to promote the Chapter’s activities. The Social Media & Recognition Chair maintains the Chapter’s social media accounts, and capitalizes on opportunities to draw attention to member activities that highlight Chapter involvement.
Sponsorship Chair
The position serves by securing corporate sponsorship for Chapter monthly meetings and other events. The Sponsorship Chair makes presentations to potential sponsors and solicits financial support to fund Chapter initiatives in return for recognition of the sponsoring business at monthly meetings and in Chapter postings and communications. Responsibilities include inviting, introducing, and thanking sponsor representatives at monthly meetings, and ensuring promised amenities are provided.
College Relations Chair
This position manages college outreach efforts, scholarship programs, and internship programs for the Chapter. The College Relations Chair works closely with the University of Kansas, as well as other local higher education sources, to encourage the involvement of college students in HR education and activities through mentorship with seasoned professionals in the Chapter, as well as volunteer efforts in the community.
Volunteerism Chair
This position serves in managing the chapter's community outreach efforts. The Volunteerism Chair seeks out opportunities in the community where Chapter members can actively participate and meet the Chapter’s philanthropic goals.
Website Administrator
This position maintains the Chapter web site, and regularly updates it with graphics and text about the Chapter for both members and the general public. The Website Administrator develops, implements, and maintains the visual representation of the Chapter, and is responsible for the professionalism of the Jayhawk Chapter of SHRM within the community through use of available media resources.
Workforce Development Chair
This position monitors and evaluates on a continuing basis local activity concerning workforce readiness issues. The workforce Development Chair plans and encourages chapter involvement and activities impacting the workforce readiness arena. Additionally, this position works in cooperation with state-level workforce readiness advocates and serves by coordinating Chapter involvement in major events and activities outside of normal monthly programs.