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Event Details

    The Networking Shift: How to Stop Wasting Time and Create Real Relationships that Lead to Real Results

    Date: March 8, 2016, 11:30am – 1:00pm
    1031 New Hampshire St.
    Lawrence, Kansas

    **Parking is available across the street and in the parking garage one block north.
    Event Type:
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    Start Times:

    11:15 am Registration Begins

    11:15 am Buffet Lunch Available

    11:45 am Opening Business, Chapter Announcements

    12:00 pm Presentation

    1:00 pm Meeting Adjourned

     Click here to register for this event!


    • Member - In Advance - $20
    • Member - Late Registration (after 3/4/16) - $25
    • Guest - $30


    Program: The Networking Shift: How to Stop Wasting Time and Create Real Relationships that Lead to Real Results

    In today’s business environment, it’s more critical than ever to grow your network of professional and personal connections. But, how many times have you left a networking event or coffee meeting and felt like you just wasted hours of your time?

    Typical networking programs only focus on what to do AT or AFTER an event. Using the unique views and tactics outlined in Your Connecting Advantage, Joyce Layman provides a step by step process to enhance your professional brand, increase your influence, and strategically grow your network of meaningful relationships (online and offline) that lead to real results.

    Join us for a networking shift to learn how to:

    • Avoid the most common ‘networking’ mistakes people make.
    • Overcome the mental roadblocks that sabotage networking efforts no matter if you are an introvert, extrovert or ambivert.
    • Create  strategic 'collisions' for others in two simple steps.
    • Follow-up and follow-through after events, encounters and social media interactions.
    • Create your unique connecting advantage.

    Copies of Your Connecting Advantage will be available for sale at the event.


    Joyce Layman is a national speaker, author, connector and presenter at TEDxUMKC. As a former wallflower in the world of business networking, she knows firsthand what it takes to overcome the greatest obstacle you'll face - the four inches between your ears.

    Joyce was fortunate to tap into information that transformed her life. She sought training in The Pacific Institute’s cognitive processes. Her passion is inspiring people to step out of their current habits, push comfort zones and navigate change to leverage new opportunities that are already surrounding them.

    It all starts with how you think.....and builds on how you connect.

    Joyce combines her extensive training and experience in the science of mindset and the art of business connections to provide the one-two punch that gives her clients an advantage over their counterparts and their competition. Her practical wisdom can be immediately applied to turn everyday encounters into real results both personally and professionally.

    Following is just one endorsement for her latest book: Your Connecting Advantage

    "I’ve often said that Joyce Layman is the greatest networker in the world. Meet her and you’ll immediately understand why. Read Your Connecting Advantage, and you’ll understand exactly how. Fantastic wisdom from which we can all benefit!”   ~Bob Burg, coauthor of The Go-Giver and author of Endless Referrals