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Board of Directors


    This team of Human Resource professionals shape the purpose and practices of the Jayhawk Chapter, and influence the local community in HR thought and application through the ever-changing issues pertaining to people in business.

    Board members are elected to their positions during November-December, and serve during  the following January through December. Some positions require a SHRM membership or an HR certification, but each position holder is required to be a current member in good standing with the chapter throughout the duration of his/her term of office.

    Board members are expected to attend monthly Board meetings as well as the monthly chapter luncheons. Board meetings are held on Tuesday before the monthly meeting from 11:45am to 1:00pm. Meetings can be attended in person, or virtually. Monthly chapter luncheons are held on the second Tuesday of the month following the monthly Board meeting.

    If you are interested in learning more about volunteering on the Jayhawk SHRM BOD, or about any of the Board positions, please EMAIL US HERE!

    We'd love you have you join us!

    Chapter President: 

    Jennifer McAferty, MLS, SHRM-CP


    President- Elect: 


    Past President:

    Jana Tuttle, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

    By-Laws Committee Chair

    VP of Communications: 

    Mario Bonilla

    Website Administrator

    VP of Membership:

    Tamara Puckett


    VP of Professional Development:

    Brook Donovan, SHRM-SCP

    2025 Business Leadership Conference Chair

    VP of Finance: 

    Amy Shanks, SHRM-CP

    Legislative Affairs Chair:

    Dennis Meier, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

    Certification Chair:

    Lori Carnahan, SHRM-SCP

    Sponsorship Chair:

    Stacey Rollins, SHRM-CP


    Diversity Chair:

    Christine Robinson, SHRM-CP

    2025 Business Leadership Conference Co-Chair


    SHRM Foundation Chair:
